Cybowall Benefits and Use Cases

Cybowall Value proposition

With the intensive growth in Cyber-attacks over organizations, Cybowall is a professional,

easy to deploy and cost effective, end to end network security solution. Cybowall offers the

ultimate fit for Midsize organizations which most commonly suffers from limited security

operational resources, and need a single security MDR, (Manage Detection & Response),

platform for threat monitoring and response, along with flexible deployment options and ease of use.

Cybowall is offered as a software subscription option or as a SOC managed security service.

Cybowall is a non-intrusive, agentless solution that continuously monitors your network

across all protocols and extends to all endpoints. Cybowall covers the 3 segments of

Cybersecurity: Pre-attack, During attack & Post-attack, for monitoring and protecting

organizations' IT network in real time, combining multiple cybersecurity tools and capabilities

in one solution, detecting and reacting to threats as they arise – securing networks of all sizes

and providing a unified defense platform against a continuously evolving threat landscape.

Cybowall has the ability to identify attacks that occur over time,

and those that are using very slow sequences, based on correlation

between events and analysis of attackers' behavior, including automatic learning of new attacks.

Cybowall identifies cyber events based on intelligence and big data processing, as well as through its internal security engines.

Cybowall optimizes the SIEM-SOC team operation to allow quick and

efficient cyber event analysis and resolution

Cybowall Benefits and Use Cases

Cybowall’s unique value proposition is powered by a single software product with a wide range of breach detection technologies,

powered by artificial intelligence and orchestration capabilities.

Cybowall provides a variety of use cases to address the entire organizational IT security needs:
✓ In-depth Inventory of the devices and software across the network, including Antivirus, Firewall, Open ports, Windows Updates, services, and more.
✓ Visualize and detect changes with a Network Asset Map. Detect data breaches in real time
✓ Intrusion Detection, Deception and Malware Hunting additionally empowered by UEBA,
(User Entity Behavior Analysis), anomaly detection.
✓ Report and Investigate all network and host-based activity. Vulnerability management
✓ Identify and Manage a uniquely prioritized list of Vulnerabilities (CVE: Common Vulnerabilities and Exposure).
✓ Detect and Strengthen default/weak Passwords.
✓ Review and Act on a host-by-host Risk Assessment (Firewall, Windows update, Anti-virus based).
✓ Cybowall provides a continuous Risk Surveying, with Regulatory compliant results.

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